About Us

Pulse Lab Jakarta is a joint data innovation facility of the United Nations (Global Pulse) and the Government of Indonesia (via the Ministry of National Development Planning, Bappenas). Functioning as an analytic partnerships accelerator, the Lab applies mixed-methods approaches in the problem, solution and identity spaces, and is focused on catalysing connections across the private sector, government and civil society to support policies and action for effective development and humanitarian practice.

Accelerating Analytic Partnerships for Development and Humanitarian Action
As the first innovation lab of its kind in Asia, Pulse Lab Jakarta is working to close
information gaps in the development and humanitarian sectors through the
adoption of Big Data and application of Service Design,
with emphasis on gender equality, disability and social inclusion.
We want big data, artificial intelligence and emerging technologies to be harnessed safely and responsibly for the public good. As part of the Global Pulse network, our mission is to accelerate the discovery and adoption of data innovation for sustainable development and humanitarian action.

Through its network of labs, UN Global Pulse provides three main services:

Drives exploratory research on new insights that can be gleaned from unconventional data sources.
Helps UN agencies, governments and development partners make better use of their data, and
Advocates for the ethical use of data and technological platforms in line with the protection of individual privacy

Using datasets drawn from mobile communications, remote sensing, social media, among others, Pulse Lab Jakarta has generated insights for policy and practice on a range of topics related to development and humanitarian action. Our main thematic areas include:

Disaster Response
and Climate Change
Food Security
and Agriculture

Across our research projects, many of which are delivered alongside our partners, we rely on the expertise of our team of data scientists, data engineers, statisticians, policy specialists and ethnographers.

Swastika Exodian
Multimedia Associate
Angga Gumilar
Government Project and Engagement Officer
Rajius Idzalika
Data Scientist
Andini Kamayana
Communication Manager
Alfian Maulana Latief
Multimedia Associate
Muhammad Robbi Nugraha
Web Application Engineer
Lia Purnamasari
Design Researcher
Muhammad Rheza
Full Stack Engineer
Verena Riyaningsih
Operation Associate
Aaron Situmorang
Research Manager
Femmy Soemantri
Partnerships and Advocacy Lead
Rio Susanto
Office Assistant
Faizal Thamrin
Humanitarian Data Advisor
Atik Widyastuti
Administrative Associate
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Copyright © 2025, United Nations Global Pulse - Pulse Lab Jakarta