Contact Us

Pulse Lab Jakarta
Wisma Nusantara
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 59
Jakarta 10350 - Indonesia
Phone: 021-3983-8473

Become a Pulse Lab Partner

Pulse Lab Jakarta is keen on forming partnerships with companies and organisations within the region and beyond to collaborate on research. There are various forms of partnerships possible:
  • Become a data philanthropy partner and share your data for analysis.
  • Become a research partner and work on a project with PLJ.
  • Become a technology partner and build prototypes and/or test new tools.
  • Present a big data analysis tool or method at a training session or workshop.
  • Sponsor a fellow to join the Pulse Lab and work on data visualisation, data analysis, GIS mapping, and/or software development.
  • Provide funding, or in-kind, support for PLJ’s work.
If your organisation is interested in collaborating with Pulse Lab Jakarta, please contact the team at


Pulse Lab Jakarta is grateful for the generous support from the Australian Government.


Our partners include players from the private and public sectors, such as the Government of Indonesia, UN agencies, foreign governments, data philanthropy partners, and civil society organisations. PLJ is grateful for the support of all our partners and wide range of stakeholders that enable us to experiment with new methods and seek creative solutions to complex problems.

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Copyright © 2024, United Nations Global Pulse - Pulse Lab Jakarta